Stories of Selling Human Stories of Selling Human Being A Catalyst For Yourself and Others - Cameron Schmidt - Human Catalyst - Sell By Being Human

Episode 2

Published on:

13th May 2020

Being A Catalyst For Yourself and Others - Cameron Schmidt - Human Catalyst

Brief summary of show:

Cameron Schmidt is our first non traditional salesperson I interview. He does a lot of things that most wouldn't consider sales. He's event manager and supervisor, he build basketball courts, he organizes online communities, and he's an endurance athlete. By endurance athlete, he's run 100 miles in one sitting!! He's also trained the Grammy nominated music artist, Mike Posner, to complete his walk across the United States! Mike walked from NJ to Colorado.

This was fun. Cam has such an interesting story. He's ultra curious about people and we talk about ways to find that curiosity in people and what you can do to find it in yourself. We also talk about not only ways to convince yourself of things but how remaining curious can help convince others to do some really amazing things.

Key Takeaways by Time! (FFWD if you need, it's cool and busy humans do it)

  • How moments in your life can convince you to do big things and be a catalyst for you (12:28)
  • How do you convince people to see the world that you see, without hurting your relationship? (17:14)
  • How should we approach people that ask us for all the answers? Defining how we give advice to others. (20:15)
  • What convinced Cam to run 100 miles in one sitting and how he ultimately execute it?
  • Adjusting your mindset to convince yourself of accomplishing really big goals (34:10)

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About the Podcast

Sell By Being Human
We all want to be heard, seen, and understood. This podcast shares stories of how all humans sell just by being great humans.
I believe that all people want to be heard, seen, and understood. But how do we get people to hear, see, and understand us effectively? Salespeople train themselves on techniques to do this but there are people doing it well without the word sales showing up anywhere in their job title or job description. This podcast is designed to help us hone our human skills, understand subtle similarities between non-sales people and salespeople, and show how we can learn from both groups the next time we need to create change and sell by being human.

You will learn from people throughout all walks of life. Nurses, coaches, janitors, event planners, HR executives, and architects. Just to name a few. We'll contrast them with trained sales people to show similarities and differences. There's an art to human connection and sales. We all do it differently and we can all learn from our every day human interactions.

Please contact me and let me know who you see in your life selling by being human! I want to shine a light on them.

About your host

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Alex Smith
